Rise and Shine Page 14
“But Panther is...” Hana says, looking at her mother, who smiles and points at Pan.
“That is Panther, Hana,” Kim explains. “We should be going now, though, it’s past Hana’s nap time. The wedding was beautiful, Sunny.”
“Thank you,” I say, “I’ll pass the compliment along. And just call me and I’ll help out in any way you need me to!”
“I’m going to set you to work helping my babies,” she says as she and Hana walk away. “And then I might take you home with me to do lawn work!”
“Sounds good!” I say, “But not enough to pay for the tree.”
She laughs, waving over her shoulder without responding to that. I turn and look at Pan, who is looking at the bonsai tree in my hand curiously.
“That is the reason the Hall is being sued?” he asks, moving closer.
“No, the reason the Hall is being sued is me,” I admit. “I should probably come up with a way to make it up to Mastermental. I just... I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to afford something like that. Lawyers are expensive, right?”
“Yes, but I truly doubt they will blame you for what happened,” he says. “This is convenient, though.”
“What is?”
“That your parents are out of town. When shall we leave?”
“I don’t think we’re going to find anything at SITEC, exactly,” I admit.
“Then it is a good thing that is not where we are going,” Pan says.
“What? Then where ARE we going?” I ask. He just smiles, touching his finger to his lips in a “quiet” motion. I guess it’s a surprise?
“What in the world were you thinking?” Mr. Cage demands of the two standing in front of his desk. “We have a schedule, we have a plan. Were you trying to undermine me?”
Grahmm looks away, his mind rushing with some sort of excuse, but Thelma stares back at him defiantly, her chin up, her eyes narrowed. “I don’t see that there’s anything to undermine, Mr. Cage,” she says. “As far as the world is concerned, this little venture of ours has nothing to do with you. You went out of your way to make it like that, remember?”
He glares at her, standing and pressing his hands on the desk. “That is because the Hall will have cause to come in if we keep the connection between this business and that. We cannot allow them to get involved. The Petleaves are NOT under Hall jurisdiction, and it will stay that way!”
“What about...” Grahmm says, pushing his glasses up his nose, “what about the Department of Natural Resources?” he asks. “They’re already sniffing around, trying to find out things about the Petleaves. What are we supposed to tell them?”
“Tell them that they’re really plant covered robotics, sort of like moving Chia pets. They have chips, don’t they?” Mr. Cage says. “And I’m sure there’s some sort of non-official tree hugging group out to interfere, but you can deal with that much. None of that gives you the right to undermine me like you just attempted to do! I have half a mind to fire both of you! I’m sure I can find better lackeys than you two on the street! They’d probably be carrying cardboard signs!”
“That’s a very hurtful comment,” Grahmm says. “While I’m sure those people all have their own reasons for being where they are—“
“Floyd? Shut up,” Thelma says.
“But everyone has a story,” he stops as she shoots him an angry look.
“If you fire us, who’s to stop us from going straight to Century?” she says, leaning on Mr. Cage’s desk, as well, so they’re nose to nose, or they would be, if she was taller. “We’ll tell him exactly what you’ve done, even about how you started a new business, FORCING us to be the figureheads for it, just so it wouldn’t be under Hall jurisdiction. You’re right, we can deal with the tree huggers and the activists, but do YOU want to deal with the Hall?”
A tick develops under Mr. Cage’s right eye and he takes a deep breath, forcing it out slowly as he straightens. “We just need to step back and look at this rationally,” he declares. “There was no damage, that’s what matters. We made a bit of quick cash, and there’s no way that Collector’s brother will go to the Hall. We all know exactly what happened to Collector.”
“What did happen to Collector?” Grahmm whispers to Thelma.
“Panther got him,” she says. “Rumor has it that he tried to kidnap someone important to him. He’s been in a coma for almost two years, now. At least he was the last I heard.”
“I see, but that’s not exactly the Hall—“
“Don’t be naive, Grahmm, the villains are just as much Hall as the heroes are. Why else would there be so much merchandise for them?” Mr. Cage says irritably. “Forget it. No harm, no foul. Now go feed the Petleaves. We can’t have them eating themselves before our big release day.”
“They—“ Thelma starts out.
“And if you feel so confident in their behaving as to sell them early, we can move the release date up!” he goes on, completely ignoring her. “We ship out this weekend, everyone! I’ll go inform the PR department and our personal shippers!”
He’s gone before they can get over their shock enough to protest.
*The Cape Cells*
“I am knowing this is too soon, my friend, but it is time to be going!” Marie looks up as she hears Tatiana, frowning a little bit before sighing. She’d been having so much fun! And now, just as she was dancing with this little fellow called Massteria, she has to leave. She glances over at the three very high quality supers standing guard. At the moment they aren’t looking at her, though, they’re looking at Superior with hero-worship. It’s the first time since she stepped into the room that they haven’t been watching her like a hawk.
“It was lovely meeting you,” Massteria says, bowing to her. Oh, sure, she knows he’s a horror freak that enjoyed causing mass panic among the norms when he had his powers, but he is a wonderful dancer!
“You, as well,” she says, smiling and turning. “Ah, Tatiana, darling, I need to say farewell to my son, first.” She looks around the classroom, where each of the villains has been doing their own thing for a bit, and heads over to where Herold is putting together a small machine. It hurts her heart to see him have to use a screwdriver, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
“Farewell, Mother,” he says, waving the screwdriver in her direction. “Enjoy the North Pole, and all that.”
She rolls her eyes and walks over, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. “I will see what I can do about regaining your powers, darling,” she whispers as quietly as she can next to his ear. He looks at her in surprise. “Trust me,” she says.
“I won’t be holding my breath,” he says as he stands. “This might be the last time we see each other face to face. So... be happy, Mother.”
She looks close to tears at his comment, and wraps her arms around him, hugging him a bit too tightly. “Too tight, Mom,” he grunts, tapping her arm.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Marvin,” she says, loosening her hold. “Don’t give up just yet.” She pulls away with a reluctant look. “Goodbye, my dear.”
“Goodbye, mother,” he says, watching her leave.
“Quite dramatic,” Atlanti says. “Did you practice for that?” Herold looks over at her, snorting.
“Of course I did,” he says. “The woman is a harridan. I apologize for dragging all of you into it.”
“I found her a delight,” Massteria says, “especially when she nagged you about your eating habits.”
“You would,” Herold says. He looks over at one of the super guards in charge of watching them. “I’ll be heading back to my wing, now. Would you like to cuff me?” He holds out his wrists, accepting the cuffs before heading out of the room and to his wing. The guards unlock him and the door slams shut behind him. It’s the most peaceful moment of the day, he thinks as he heads for his chair.
“Micro,” he says, calling his cat. For a moment nothing happens, and then the vent swings op
en and the little cat drops down to the floor before sauntering over. “Now, shall we see what’s happened while I was away?”
The wall lights up as Micro’s eyes start to glow. For a moment Herold leans back in his chair, closing his eyes. A second later, though, his eyes open wide and he leans forward with an intent look on his face.
*The Apartments*
“I’m going to go over to Adanna’s today,” I say. It’s morning, but it seems kind of lonesome without Mom and Dad here. Oh, sure, I can hear all of our neighbors waking up, and Jeanie is singing as she makes breakfast. It smells good.
“Zoe, Sunny? Would you like to eat with us this morning?” she asks. Sure, she’s downstairs, but that doesn’t matter with our hearing and these thin walls.
“Yes, please!” I say before Zoe can answer. “What? You were getting out bowls. That means either cereal or oatmeal, and I’m,” I yawn, “a growing boy.”
“Then come on down, kids!” Jeanie says. I grab my bag and head for the door, yawning all the way. Zoe looks at the bowls for all of a second before putting them away and following.
“So why are you going to Adanna’s?” Zoe asks quietly.
“I’m going on a secret mission with Pan,” I say proudly.
“A what?” she asks. “Does it have something to do with that commercial you made Dad look up the other day?”
“You are way too nosey,” I complain.
“We have an automatic alert that goes off when someone accesses the Dark Shopping Network channels... but you’re not the only one who’s been watching it.” She frowns. “That kid is trouble. I really should go down there and lecture him about his bad habits.”
“What kid?” I ask, blankly.
“Davis Monk,” Zoe says as we knock on the door of the Liberty’s apartment. “We’re here,” she announces as it swings open with her touch.
“Come on in, kids! It’s almost ready!” Jeanie says. We walk in, seeing Jack and Trent already sitting at the table.
“So what’s going on?” Jack asks, looking at me. “Has Kim told you what we have to do, yet?”
“Not yet,” I say. “Except I think she’ll put me to work helping her bonsai trees out. You, uhhh... I don’t know what she’d want from you. You’re kind of useless.” Trent starts laughing as Jack gives me a deadpan look. “When it comes to plants!” I say, trying to backpedal. “And, well, kids. I wouldn’t let you babysit my kids, that’s for sure...” His look isn’t getting any better, is it?
“Jack is very good with children!” Jeanie says as she comes over with several plates of food balanced on her arms. We each grab one, or, well, I TRY to grab one, but Jack gets it, first.
“No food for you,” Jack tells me as he starts eating. “But he’s right, I’d be a lousy babysitter.”
“You would be a great babysitter,” Jeanie says, taking the second plate from him and giving it back to me, “for the older children that is. How old is Kim’s daughter? Five?”
“Yeah, I think so,” I say.
“Then she’s a bit too young for Jack to watch,” she says, patting him on the shoulder. “Jack would be better with pre-teens.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Jack says, grinning at her. “That’s the perfect age to train them to be my lackeys.”
“Ah, um,” I say, looking over at Zoe, who’s rolling her eyes at Jack’s comment. That’s probably a good response, since a year ago she would have started yelling at him for that. “I’m going to go hang out with Pan, today, so... you don’t have to feed me, okay?”
“Oh? Not with Adanna?” Jeanie asks.
“N—I mean, Pan is going to work on my training, again. He’s taught me a lot, already. I still don’t do parkour as well as he does, of course, I mean, I don’t think I ever will, really, because he’s really, really good at it, but I can learn as much as I can—“ I stop, realizing that I’m rambling. Thankfully, neither of the brothers has noticed because they’re eating. The entire building could fall on top of them and they wouldn’t notice.
“It’s nice that you get along so well with your girlfriend’s father!” Jeanie says.
“Yeah, uh, he wasn’t that happy at first,” I admit. “He didn’t like the idea of Adanna going hero. But he’s relaxed over the past year, or so.” I pull out my phone, looking at it. “I have to be there in an hour,” I say as I start digging into my food. “I probably won’t be back until tomorrow.”
“Does this have something to do with that commercial?” Trent asks as he finishes his food. “Are you guys going to look into it?”
“Um, yeah, I think?” I say, giving up on being discreet. I’m not built for secrets, it seems. I mean, it’s a shock that I haven’t spilled the beans about Liz and Taurus’s engagement, yet. That’s probably because I hadn’t thought of it until just now. Oh, crud, I should stop thinking, now, because it’s going to slip out for sure...
“What commercial?” Jack asks.
“Did you know that Liz and Taurus are engaged?” I ask. “Oh, I should go get my stuff. Thanks for breakfast!” I say, taking my dishes to the sink before racing out the door.
“Engaged?” Jeanie repeats. “And they didn’t tell me?”
I am SO fried, once Liz finds out. All the more reason to make a run for it!
*Penski’s Secret Bunker*
“Shouldn’t they be eating one another?” Richard asks as he watches the three Petleaves rolling around the room. Two of them bump into each other, only to roll away. “We overrode their nanobytes.”
“Did you feed them?” Clay asks.
“Not as of yet,” Richard says.
“Then just wait, they’ll get hungry.” Richard turns back to his computer and starts to type on the keyboard. He stops, though, a memory nudging his mind.
“Why did you have me drop off that mud near the Hall the other day?” he asks. “Have you gained access to the Hall computers?”
“No,” Clay says. “I found something much, much more interesting.”
In an empty apartment the bonsai tree soaks up sun from the window overhead, the sounds from all of the apartments just filtering in.
*The Panterus Large Cat Sanctuary*
“I’m here!” I say as I make it through the security field. “The sooner we leave, the better, because Liz is going to find out I sold her out any moment, now,” I add as I look around. Oh, sure, I can’t see anyone, but that doesn’t mean they can’t hear me. They probably heard me coming from a mile away, especially Pan.
“Back here, Sunny,” I hear Adanna say from behind the house. I go, finding the entire family standing there, next to the airplane that Dad made them. “We’re discussing why the boys shouldn’t be allowed to come,” she says dryly, looking at her eager-faced brothers.
“We want to pick out our Petleaf!” Robo says, his hands on his hips, his cape flapping in the wind. Yes, I said cape. Amara made it for him, complete with a Panther logo. He even has a utility belt.
“This is not a trip to pick out a pet,” Adanna says. “This is a mission--”, she stops, groaning as Robo’s expression brightens with excitement. “No, no, no, you are NOT going, and you are not going to play hero,” she tells him.
“Robo, sweetie, why don’t you come with Cubby and me?” Amara says. “I need to go shopping for a motorcycle!”
The excited expression changes, as he’s clearly torn between the two options. “Motorcycle?” Robo repeats.
“I need to teach the big kids how to drive and fix everything, including gas-powered vehicles,” Amara says. “Don’t you want to see all the motorcycles?”
“I want a Petleaf!” Cubby says, not so easily distracted. “Petleaf!”
“Cubby,” Amara says, her tone firm, “didn’t we talk about this? If Papa does come home with a Petleaf, you still can’t play with it.”
“But—but—“ he says, looking close to tears.
“The Petleaves might be d
angerous, like the big kitties are,” Amara goes on, crouching down in front of him. “We can’t let you get hurt, right?”
“But it likes little kids,” he says, mournfully.
“Hellllooooo!!” I hear a familiar voice yell out. “We’ve come to play! Can we play with you?”
“Skye!” I say, looking up. Just past where the security field should be is my aunt and Ariel. Doris is nowhere to be seen. “Hey! You know they have a security field here, right? Don’t get any closer!”
“We know!” she says.
“The entrance is that way, Skye,” Pan says, pointing it out. “You are in our program.”
“Both of us?” she asks.
“I added you yesterday.”
“Yay!” she says.
“How about you play with Aunt Skye and Aunt Ariel instead?” Amara asks the boys. “You have a lot of pictures to show them, don’t you?”
Cubby sniffles a bit pathetically, wiping at his tears with the back of his arm before nodding. “I do.”
“Then let’s go welcome them,” she says, taking their hands. Adanna sighs, sounding quite put upon.
“Kids are a pain,” she declares.
“Where are you going?” Skye asks, reaching us in seconds. “Oh! It’s a plane! Are you going to go steal something?”
“Possibly, yes, but it is for a good reason,” Pan says.
“Then I can go with you and Ariel can play with the boys!” she says. “Or do any of you have the ability to walk through walls?”
We look at each other for all of a second, before Pan bows and motions for her to get on board. “We would be honored to have your company, Skye.”
I want to protest, because I know for a fact that Pan is extremely good at getting into places, even if he can’t walk through walls, but I sort of get why he’s agreeing so easily. The boys are running our way.
“Everyone aboard, we need to leave,” Pan says. We hop onto the plane and he lifts off, hovering several feet off of the ground as a spark appears overhead where the laser wall is. “Five... four... three... ah, there we go,” Pan says as a light flashes on the console. “We are clear for takeoff.”