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Rainbow Rush Page 18
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Page 18
“Hello, kid,” he says, walking straight past Davis and scooping me up in a princess hold. He stares at me for a second, and I can feel my powers come back. My natural healing kicks in, and my energy returns. A little smile pulls at his lips as I look up at him.
“My hero,” I say, batting my lashes at him. He lets out a laugh as he places me on my feet. He looks at me for a moment, until he seems satisfied with what he sees. He turns his attention to Davis.
“Where’s Nico? Did he capture the bad guy?” I ask. “Oh, right. That guy isn’t Richard Penski, HE’S Richard Penski. He’s been held captive down here for a really long time, I think. That guy is one of the people that he experimented on, probably before he captured Skye. I’ve got NO idea what his powers are, except that he can shape shift into other people, obviously.”
He seems to be ignoring me as he stands over Davis, so I stop talking. He probably needs to concentrate, right? Davis stops coughing, and I let out a sigh of relief, only to stare in shock as Superior makes him float with a flick of his finger, suspending the boy in the air. “You brought a little girl here, where you KNEW there was a gas like that?” he demands coldly. “Do you realize what you just risked?”
“He left. I swear he left,” Davis chokes out. “And it was never meant to be used like that. I programmed it to be released slowly.”
“Obviously he didn’t follow your programming.” He turns, looking at the frail man still huddled on the steps. “You,” he says, “have a lot to explain. Nicolas, have you found him?”
“No,” Nico says after a long stretch of silence. “He’s carrying a ton of machines, right?”
“He has the nanobytes,” Davis says, squirming a bit where he’s still floating in the air.
“Then… there’s something we REALLY need to know,” Nico says, “because I can’t find them.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Davis says, pretty much expressing what Superior and I are thinking, I think, because we’re all just staring at Nico like he’s crazy. “You’re a technopath, right? Is this some sort of stupid ploy to add a cliffhanger? We don’t NEED a cliffhanger! We’re not even being filmed!”
“It’s not a ploy to add a cliffhanger,” Nico says, staring at the ground instead of us. I would say he was being sheepish, but that doesn’t match his expression. If anything, he looks angry. “I sensed something faint entering the earth, and then all of the signals were abruptly cut off. I even went to the upper atmosphere to check—I can see underground things just as easily as I can see anything else… but they’re not there. Did they have a kill switch?”
“I really doubt he destroyed them,” Davis says, sounding as if the very idea is ridiculous. “Those are perfect masterpieces, with the capability of being used for so much more than a stupid net for Skystep!”
“What’s his power, mister?” I say, turning my attention to the man sitting at the table, eating a sandwich I made him. We’re still at the house, waiting for Century to show up. He said he wanted to hear everything. I’m getting impatient.
“He…” Richard swallows the last bite and chugs down a glass of milk before going on, “he’s the first cape that we did a study on, but I swear… he came to us.” He looks over at Nico and Superior. “He wanted help. I just tried to give it to him.”
“And my little sister? Did she ‘want help’?” Nico asks.
“I don’t recall ever doing anything to a person that looks like you,” Richard says. “I’m sure I would remember dealing with a technopath.”
“I’m talking about Skystep,” Nico says, moving closer. I look over at Superior, because if anyone can stop Nico, it’s him, right? But he’s got a smile on his face that sends a chill down my spine. He’s not going to do anything, is he? I let out a silent sigh.
“Skystep was a problem child for everyone around her,” Richard says. “She was a danger to both herself and all of the people involved with her. I’m certain that you’ve come to realize that, by now, or are you supers really as oblivious as you pretend to be on television?”
“She’s not a danger!” I say. Wait, wasn’t I the one that was supposed to be protecting him? Whoops… but he just made me mad! “She’s perfectly fine, and an extremely professional super villain! She always arrives on time for work, she’s never hurt a norm, and she’s taking very good care of her new partners! And they take good care of her!”
He looks at me with a pitying expression that makes me want to punch him. “It seems even the younger generation of supers are blind to the truth.” I pull back a hand, about to slap him, but stop as Davis grabs my wrist.
“You could kill him,” he says. “And as much as he might irritate you, we need to know what he knows.”
“You… I know who the pigtail girl is, I’ve seen her on TV, but who are you?” Richard asks Davis.
“Your nephew,” Davis says.
“Are you sure?” Richard asks. “I really can’t see Gloria doing something that would ruin her figure, such as having children.”
“Now he’s accusing me of being adopted,” Davis says, only to stop and think about it. “No, I think I would prefer that, actually.”
“We’ve gotten distracted,” Nico says. “Who is he and what powers does he have?”
“He calls himself Clay,” Richard says, leaning back in his chair and looking around. “He’s somewhat similar to an earth mimic.”
“Like Sandra?” I say, looking over at Nico.
“How does he change to look like you?” Nico asks him, not answering my question just yet.
“He can change to look like anyone,” he says. “Of course he had trouble keeping his form when I first started working with him, but after a series of experiments, we figured out how to keep his forms stable and increase his chemical bonding capabilities. I still don’t understand why he’s so enraged. I’m the reason he could do all of this in the first place.”
The entire room turns and stares at him, including me. “Why is he so obsessed with Skye?” I ask.
“Ah, you know, I really don’t know,” Richard says. “He seems to see her as a sibling, of sorts. You know, like you do.” He looks at Nico, pointedly. “There must be a strange obsession with family in the super world. It doesn’t make any sense to me. The fact that you came from the same womb might be undeniable in certain relationships, but it isn’t something to obsess over. I might have come from the same womb as Gloria, but I have virtually nothing in common with her aside from that. Is it truly any wonder that I faked my death? She continuously kept calling me, demanding both my money and time.”
“As fascinating as all of this is, can we PLEASE get back to the subject at hand?” Nico demands as the door opens behind him. I look up, blinking in surprise as I’m pulled into a hug that I didn’t even see coming. I let out a yelp and start to struggle until I recognize the hug and the smell of Century’s aftershave.
“I’m so sorry, darlin’,” he says, right next to my ear.
“Do you really think that’s appropriate, Charles?” I hear Superior ask. I can’t reply, since suddenly it feels like a dam has broken inside of me. I didn’t even realize I was holding it in, but all of a sudden I’m sobbing like a child. I almost died. I can acknowledge that, now that I feel safe.
“I coughed up blood and that gas took away my abilities. I felt so weak…”
“I know,” Century says, rubbing my back. “Just let it out.”
“An-and I was supposed to-to recover, but I DIDN’T!” I wail as he sits down, still holding me. “My metab-metabolism…”
“I redid the gas to work on Skystep,” I hear Davis say from a distance. “It was supposed to stop an S-class cape. I didn’t think it would be used on someone weaker, I swear. And it was too concentrated. I meant for it to be released slowly over a long period of time. You can check the computer yourself, if you don’t believe me.”
“There was BLOOD,” I say, sniffling pathetically. “Century, I coughed up blood.”
/> “And you say you’re the one that made the gas like that,” Century says. I can’t see him, but I know he’s looking at Davis in an accusatory manner.
“It wouldn’t have made Skystep cough up blood,” Davis says defensively, “and like I said, what he poured into the room was meant to last at least a year.”
“I see,” Century says, still rubbing my back as his tone goes cold. “Son, you and I are going to need to have a very long chat one of these days.”
“We need to find this clay man,” Nico says. “Skye, can you come here?”
I pull away from Century’s hug, wiping at my tears. This is embarrassing. I haven’t cried like that since I got out of the zoo. I was only in the gas chamber for a few minutes… but we’ve already discussed just how long a few minutes can seem to me. “I want to help,” I say.
“While we appreciate the sentiment, I’m afraid that this is something for the adults to handle, sweetheart,” Century says. “We can bring Rocco in, and I’ll have Shadowman sent down from the North Hall. Isotonic’s been complaining about being saddled with him for a while, now. It’ll be good to have him owe me a favor.”
“I NEED to help, Century,” I say, practically begging. “I can’t do the same thing I did with Collector. I need to make sure he’s taken care of with my own eyes. You understand, right?”
“Darlin’…” Century says, and I can practically see him cave to my big gold eyes. I’m not bragging or anything, but I’m VERY good at puppy dog eyes. I’m not quite as good as my little sisters are, but I’m good.
“I’ll be sure to stream it,” Nico says, walking over to me. Pooh, I think irritably. The puppy dog eyes don’t work on him, huh. “You need to work on your poker face, kiddo, you’re obviously irritated with me,” he says, grinning slightly.
“I can help!” I say, giving up the cajoling. “I’m tough, and I’m fast, and wouldn’t it make the Nemeses look really good if their temporary junior member had a hand in capturing a devious villain?”
“If we just send them back, they’re likely to sneak out like they did for this,” Superior points out.
“EXACTLY!” I agree, with a good dollop of self-righteous posing and nodding. “It’s my duty as a super hero!”
“That’s why we should send them with Skye’s girls,” Superior finishes, much to my shock. I give him a look, which he shrugs off far too easily. “We’ll set that atrocity of a pet you gave them to guard the two, they won’t get out that easily, not even with the imitation technopath, over there.”
“Good point,” Nico says. He looks over as someone comes through the ceiling. “Skye, not bad on the timing—”
“YOU!” Skye roars, launching herself at Richard. Her hands are around his throat by the time I grab her waist and try to pull her away.
“Skye!” Superior says. Skye goes perfectly still, as if frozen in place. “Let him go.”
“But he’s the one that did all of those things to me!” she says.
“Part of it, yes, but not the cameras,” Nico says. “The cameras were done by a super.”
“A what?” she repeats, looking at him. “A SUPER was stalking me?”
“Yeah,” Nico says. “We’ve got a bit of a mimic situation.”
“Not HIM again!” she says after a few seconds of staring at him. “What is WITH all these repeat villains?”
“Skye,” Nico says.
“Can’t we get some new blood in here? How about a more traditional type villain? You know, one of those cat carrying types? The types where you never see their faces and they’re always threatening to hit people with rockets? Besides, I’ve never even MET Mimic, so shouldn’t he be stalking someone that’s foiled his plans in the past? Like you did!”
“I said it was a mimic situation, not that it was Mimic. This one’s an Earth Mimic.”
“What, like Ariel?” she asks. “Well, I guess that’s a LITTLE different… but we’re still pushing it!”
“Agreed. I’d prefer a rocket launching cat-lover once in a while, as well,” Nico says.
“REALLY, Nico?” Superior asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I can deal with a rocket.”
“Skye, can you find an earth mimic?” Superior interrupts. “I’m calling in the shadow walkers, as well. The sooner we find him, the better.”
“I can find him…” she says, frowning as she looks over at Richard Penski. “But only if you give HIM to me.”
“No deal,” Nico says.
“You can’t do anything to him, you’ll get thrown into the Cape Cells!” she protests. “And I OWE him for everything he did-unless it wasn’t him that did it? Did this earth guy experiment on me?” she demands.
“No, I was the one that experimented on you,” Richard says. Everyone else in the room turns and stares darkly at him. “Really, do you think that buffoon had the intelligence to find out how your powers work? No, he ruined my career by pretending to be me. Now I’m seen as some sort of crackpot used-to-be, I’m sure. The last paper that he published was pure rubbish!”
“I hate him,” Skye says to Superior.
“Hate is a strong word,” Century says, but it sounds more like he’s reciting for a kid’s show than really meaning anything by it. “It might be an accurate word, in this case, but it’s still a strong word.”
“Charles, if she hates the guy, she hates the guy. Considering what he did, well…” Superior looks at Skye. “How about we give him to your mother, instead?” he offers.
“YES!” Skye says, jumping into the air. “Do that! She’s supposed to be dead, anyway, so they can’t do anything to her!”
“You’re sadistic,” Century says.
“I know for a fact that Skystep has no mother,” Richard says, looking from one person to the other.
“Oh, she’s got a mom,” Nico says. “Now, go find the earth mimic, Skye.”
“I’m on it!” she says, diving into the floor.
“You aren’t really going to hand him over to Tatiana, are you?” Century asks when she’s gone. “I adore the woman, but I wouldn’t want to be on her bad side.”
“We’ll see,” Superior says. He turns, looking at Nico. “Where are the other two?”
“Doesn’t look like they got the message,” Nico says. “Pop, you can take them back to the school. Make sure Carla doesn’t make a run for it.”
“I would never!” I lie, posing. “I’m a super hero.”
“That’s exactly why you would,” he says. Superior walks over, herding both Davis and me out of the building.
“We can’t give him to Tatiana,” I hear Century say behind us. “She’s already overprotective of Skye.”
“That’s because Skye’s the cutest of her kids,” Nico says. “You could give him to me, instead.”
“We need to contact the norm police, I’m afraid. This is out of our jurisdiction. As it stands now, all we’ve done is save him. We should keep it that way.”
I look up at Superior, who has a hard-to-read expression on his face, and then tug him away from the house for a while. Davis trots along behind, glancing over his shoulder a few times with a confused look.
“What happened?” Davis asks me.
“They’re going to call the cops,” I say as quietly as possible while letting him hear. “It’s the right thing to do, but Skye isn’t going to be happy…”
“You mean about the guy that’s been locked up?”
“Yeah, since he’s a norm.”
“My mom will find out that he faked his death… but that doesn’t matter right now.” He looks at Superior, urgently. “He has the nanobytes, Mister… whoever you are. Do you have any idea what he could do with a container of nanobytes? If they send Skye after him, it’s like they’re GIVING her to him! We can’t leave it like that.”
“My son built an external power blocker to stop super powers from affecting the wearer. She’s got one. The nanobytes shouldn’t work…”
“IF they were a super power
,” Davis says. “Those aren’t super powers. They’re technology. Are we really going to risk it?”
“Don’t you just want to get the nanobytes back for yourself?” I accuse him. “You already almost killed us once for those things.”
“Yes, I want to get them back! But more importantly, I want to get them away from him! If he’s an earth mimic, do you know what sort of messed up things he could do with them? Regardless of what that Richard said, he’s not stupid. He’ll figure out how to reprogram them.”
“You two need to go back to the school,” Superior says.
“Do we really have time for that?” Davis demands. “Either he’s reprogramming them now, or Skye is finding him and he’s using them to capture her! I can stop the nanobytes. There’s a backdoor to the programming that I put in, myself.”
“Nico will find something like that easily,” Superior points out.
“Yes…” Davis stops, looking irritated. “This was partially my fault. I should at least be able to help. And all of this is wasting time that we could use to find Skystep!”
Superior wraps an arm around my waist and around Davis’s shoulders, and then he taps on his watch. I don’t even have time to complain before we’re standing in front of the cornfield that’s actually Cape High South in disguise. “Go on, and don’t come back out until this is over,” he says, pushing both of us forward.
“Superior,” I say, dodging his push and racing several feet away. “I’m going to help! If I stay here, all I’ll do is worry and replay being stuck in that basement over and over again, surrounded by people that… that aren’t family. I don’t want to do that.”
“Fine… you’re right, and I don’t have time to argue any longer. Boy, you go inside. Carla, you’re coming with me.”
“But they’re MY nanobytes!”
“You’re weak,” Superior says bluntly. “The only thing you’ve got that might contribute is your brain, and even that isn’t fully developed. In ten years, you’ll be somewhat impressive in your own way, but right now you will just slow us down.”