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Cape High Villainy_A Side Story Page 2

  “That... makes a lot of sense,” Falconess says quietly.

  “How can you even agree with him?” Mega asks her.

  “Have you ever had a stalker, Mega?” Falconess asks. “Because I have, it isn’t pleasant.” She stands up as the door opens.

  “You can return to the conference room,” a man in a black suit says. He disappears as they stand up and head out the door.

  “How many of those are there?” Pan asks, looking around curiously. “And how do you keep track of them all?”

  “Various ways, fingerprint, facial recognition, eyeball scans, we even have their dental records in the system,” Falconess says, “plus several other identification methods that I can’t tell you about. I would toss out sneaking in dressed as one of them, if I were you.”

  “I don’t think any of their uniforms would fit me,” Pan admits.

  “I’ve met your daughter,” Falconess says as they start making their way across the building. “I’ve yet to talk to her in human form, but her cub form is quite adorable.”

  “I knew you knew who she was!” Mega says, pointing at Falconess in an accusing manner. “You played it off in front of the entire cafeteria!”

  “It was entertaining. Besides, she didn’t learn anything there that she didn’t already know,” Falconess says. “She was quite fond of the sausages. That was the weekend that this all took place,” she goes on, turning her attention back to Pan. “There was a recording of Shadowman’s attempted kidnapping. If they haven’t brought it up yet, I’m sure we can bring it to their attentions.”

  “Thank you,” Pan says quietly.

  “I have a daughter,” she says, equally quietly. “I wouldn’t tell you this under other circumstances, of course, but in light of the matter... I understand why you did it.”

  “A daughter? Really?” Pan asks, letting a grin sneak past him, even though he still has no clue what will happen to him. “They're a joy, don’t you agree? Well, of course a son is, as well, but you know what I mean.”

  “She is,” Falconess says. “She’ll be turning thirteen this year. I’m both worried and excited.”

  “Consider Cape High,” Pan says as they reach the conference room. “It has done wonders for my Adanna.”

  “I have been,” Falconess admits. “But she’s got the most outrageous crush that it might be troublesome.”

  “On who?” Mega asks, showing that he’s still listening. “Is it that Justin kid?”

  “No, of course not,” Falconess says with a sigh. “It’s Cold Steel.”

  Pan chokes, shocked. “Really?” he asks.

  “She was in line the day his poster came out. Really, I don’t see what she sees in him--I would hope for her to like a more wholesome boy, like Kid Liberty!” She opens the door and they both go silent, remembering why they’re there.

  “Chinaza Michael Panterus, please approach the council,” Mastermental says. Pan feels a hand on his back before he walks forward, stopping in front of the group. “In light of the evidence, and based on the work you’ve done in the past, we will consider this the first mark on your record.”

  “Really? The first one?” Century asks, looking over at Mastermental.

  “Panther has never killed, and has, as much as this might shock you, always followed the regulations when staging an attempted robbery or heist. Truly, Century, the man is a legitimate scientist with a family background in villainy. He is, in all ways, shapes, and forms, playing the photo-op game.”

  “To be honest,” Pan interrupts, “I much prefer this set up to how my forefathers operated. It brings in extra funding for my cat sanctuary and keeps the threat of the Cape Cells off my back.”

  “And since this is the first mark on your record, we will settle for community service for three months. Mr. Panterus, we will arrange for Kim Nao to create a nondescript hero costume for you this weekend.”

  “What?” Pan asks, although the question is echoed by both Mega and Falconess.

  “You will assist the Hall until your community service is complete, acting as a generic super hero. All super villain activities will be on hold until that time. If this doesn’t work, we will discuss the Cape Cells. Do I make myself clear?” Mastermental asks.

  “Yes, sir,” Pan says a bit numbly. Inwardly he was wondering what his super hero name would be. Black Cat? Or something equally bland and ridiculous.

  “You are dismissed. Report to work on Monday after dropping your daughter off at school.”

  He was not looking forward to it.

  Black Cat and the Mega-lomaniac

  *One Week Later*

  "Really, I prefer something--" Pan says as he stares blankly at the uniform the Hall's tailor, Kim Nao, had built for him. It's a dark gray, with a silver design covering the arms and back in swirls. The mask even has ears. Not once has he had to wear cat ears--he usually provides his own. "Else," he finishes belatedly. Now, of course his Panther uniform has several versions. He even has a shadow panther uniform, one in grays and browns meant for the more subtle jobs, but not one of them has curly-cues, or whatever these mock tribal designs are… or ears.

  "Of course you do," Kim says. The tiny Japanese woman is the greatest super tailor on the Hall's docket. She's also the one that designed most of his Panther uniforms on the sly. "That is why you're wearing this. Black Cat doesn't come from Africa. Black Cat is a new hero straight from the middle of America. You'll want to dull that accent of yours whenever you speak."

  Pan stares at her. "And the codpiece?" he says after a moment.

  "Regular villains tend to aim low," Kim says, patting him on the arm because she's too short to reach his shoulder. "Relax, Pan, you're only supposed to do this for a few months, I doubt you'll even have to worry about it."

  He gives her a dark look, reluctantly stripping down to his boxers. "It doesn't change the fact that Amara insists on seeing my new uniform," he says as he steps into the suit, zipping up the hidden zipper on the side before pulling on the mask. "My wife is going to insist on photos."

  "Ah, yes, the infamous portfolio," Kim says. She doesn't even blink at the sight of him in boxers. She's seen it several times before. "So tell me, are you working solo?"

  "Of course not," Pan says. "I'm doing community service--that means they've stuck me in the position of sidekick." A faint shudder goes through both of them and her expression mirrors his.

  "Oh, you poor man," she says. "Do you know who?"

  "They're passing me around, according to Nico. I'm not sure who's first, though--"

  "And I want to see the script--yes, I want to see it! It's a movie about me, isn't it?" Pan stares at Mega as the man steps into the room. "Send it to my agent," Mega finishes. "I have work to do."

  No. Please, God, no. It's pure willpower that keeps Pan from saying that line out loud.

  "You'll be working with me tonight," Mega says. "We're going to head over to Waldo. There've been rumors that a new super villain has set up shop, we need to find out for sure."

  "A new super villain? Is it Cold Steel?" Pan asks, abruptly interested. Not that he wants to take the boy out, of course, but it's rather a bold move to move in on his territory--then again, if it is Cold Steel, he won't mind. The boy shows promise and will obviously be working a different style of villainy.

  "No, Cold Steel is still in school," Mega says. "We'll know when he's setting up a base. It's not something we'd bother hunting down."

  "True," Pan admits. "So this new super villain, who is it?"

  "Some C or B-class with a talent for robbing banks," Mega says. "Really, I'm a bit surprised you haven't met her yet, she's in your territory."

  "Her?" Pan repeats a bit blankly.


  Now, really, Pan thinks as he jumps from one building to the next, he shouldn't be so surprised at the idea of a female super villain. In fact, he isn't at all. Females make great super villains. The real surprise is that a B-class female super villain is trying to set up in Central's territory, and if
Mega is an indicator, not following standard procedures. Obviously she isn't, he adds, because she would have at least introduced herself to him.

  Of course, Star Born had done the same--but Star Born hadn't been playing the brawling game. This one, apparently, has. He almost jumps to another building before realizing that his "partner" has been spotted by the public.

  "Mega! Mega! Mega!" the crowd chants as the showboat hero starts floating above their heads. There's even a spotlight, Pan thinks in disgust as he slips into the shadows. How does this man get anything DONE?

  "Hello, Kansas City!" Mega booms out, holding up his arms with his fists in the air. "I am MEGA!" They roar in response, the women screaming in joy as he lands on the ground in the middle of the group. This HAS to have been planned, Pan thinks with an inward groan. But there's no way he's going to get caught up in it, so he slinks back further into the shadows of the rooftop, wondering if he's going to spend the entire night waiting for the egomaniac below. "I'm pleased to tell you that filming of my new movie will take place right here!" he hears Mega say. "We're looking for extras!"

  He should have brought a book, Pan decides as he sits down and looks up at the moon, or maybe his tablet. He's in the middle of researching--

  His excellent hearing picks up the sound of glass being cut a mile away. For a moment he debates ignoring it, because clearly Mega hasn't heard a thing, but on the other hand, it's better than just sitting here. He gets to his feet silently, glancing at the spotlight once more before taking off in the direction of the glass cutting.

  It's simple enough to jump from building to building. He's been doing parkour since before most people even realized it was a sport. He stops on the building next to the sound of the glass, looking down into the alley behind the jewelry building, where a young female is slipping her hand through a hole in the back door, reaching for the handle.

  "Really," he says, trying to keep his accent out of his voice. "Wearing all black? Breaking in the back door? Are you really even a super villain?"

  She jerks her arm out of the glass door and turns to look up at him. "I am Black Cat! Mistress of the night!" she declares.

  "No, I'm sorry, I claimed that name already," Pan says, only to wince as the alarm starts going off. "You didn't even turn off the security system?" he demands, plugging his ears with his fingers.

  "I was going to, but you interrupted me!" the thief snaps. Pan groans as he hears the sound of police sirens coming down the street, but she doesn't even notice. She's too busy undoing a whip from her belt. "You're the first super hero I've run into in this town," she declares. "Once I beat you, I'll run this place!"

  He stares at her blankly even as she starts climbing up the wall. "You're serious?" he says as she drags herself onto the roof next to him.

  "I'm going to take you down, you--you Black Cat imposter!" she declares.

  "You've never heard of the Central Hall?" he asks, stepping to the right as the whip comes down. "Mastermental? Even that arrogant blowhard, Mega? Surely you've heard of Firefly!"

  "Ha! They're too busy posing for the cameras. I haven't seen a single one of them!" Her whip slashes out again, but he sidesteps to the left, practically ignoring it.

  "My three year old is better trained than you are," Pan says, shaking his head with a sigh.

  "Ohhh, so you bring out the smack talk, huh? Well my GRANNY looks better in tights than you do!" she declares. When he starts to laugh at her, she stares at him in confusion. It's just long enough for Mega to land on the roof behind her.

  "I see you've cornered the suspect, Black Cat," he says. "Young villainess, you are under arrest--" The thief's eyes grow wide and she jerks, twisting to look at Mega. The smell of panic reaches Pan's nose and he inwardly sighs, slipping a hand into his belt and pulling out a small ball.

  With an imperceptible flick of his wrist, the smoke bomb explodes at the woman's feet, giving her the opportunity to run--which, he's pleased to see, she does. Mega does exactly what a super hero should do, and starts coughing.

  "I believe she's escaped, Mega," Pan says dryly.

  "Next time," Mega says, posing majestically as the helicopter arrives to film it. "We'll get you next time--did you catch her name?" he asks silently.

  "She wants to call herself Black Cat," Pan drawls.

  "We'll get you next time, mysterious villain!" Mega repeats loudly.

  Pan rolls his eyes and steps back into the shadows, leaving the limelight for Mega.

  Black Cat and the Bird

  *The Next Day*

  He isn't going to lie, he's still thinking about that naive little super villain as he pulls his car to a stop in the alley. A panel shoots up and he rolls his window down, looking at it. "Pan--Black Cat," he says, sighing, "reporting in."

  A green light runs over his car before the wall next to him slides open and he turns into the Central Hall parking lot. He parks and checks his phone before getting out and heading inside to change into his uniform. There's a chance he'll be stuck with someone else extremely annoying, but not as good a chance as it had been. He's already been paired with Mega, after all. Maybe, if he’s lucky, he'll get someone interesting. Like Liz. He would enjoy catching up with Liz--he still remembers her from her brother's days in college with him.

  He steps into the back part of Central Hall, an area usually forbidden to him, and heads for the changing room he's been assigned. As he gets there he notices Falconess in full uniform talking with one of the black suits near his door. "Falconess," he says with a slight nod.

  "Black Cat. I've been informed that you're joining me on tonight's rounds."

  "I see. Good to know," he says blandly before heading into his changing room and getting dressed. He takes a moment to stare at his image in the mirror. Nope. He still hates it. Oh well, not as if he has to see himself in the mirror during this gig, anyway. He steps out of the changing room and looks at Falconess, who's leaning against the wall. "Are we ready?"

  "You can't fly, and I'm not going to carry you through the night. Can you keep up with me?" she asks.

  "I can," he says.

  "Then we'll be heading to the Waldo district."

  "Again?" Pan asks. "Are you trying to find out about the new super villain, as well? I really doubt that she's worth all this trouble."

  "So it's true, you ran into her last night?" she asks as they start for the back exit. "Tell me what you observed."

  "She's young," Pan says after thinking for a moment, "barely trained--I told her that my three year old is better trained than her, and I wasn't lying. She wants to be called Black Cat--which I would happily give to her, if I didn't need the title for the next few months. I would say she's C-class at best, even if they claimed she was B," he admits. "And if I was training her to be a super villain I would work on her skills of observation. Frankly, I don't think she's ready for the big leagues yet."

  "I see," she says in a bland tone. "From what I believe, I'm in full agreement," she adds.

  He looks at her, something about that comment bothering him. "I noticed she was a bit short--"

  She steps onto the street, bringing out her arms in a graceful manner, and shimmering golden wings appear from her back. He can't help but admire that ability, even though he's got no clue how it works. Illusion? Perhaps, but he doesn't think so. Honestly, they never even say on the official Hall websites how she flies.

  "Energy craftsmanship," she says, answering his unspoken question. "I wouldn't tell you if you weren't likely to figure it out yourself before the night is over," she adds. "But don't bother to ask where I get my energy from. That's a family secret."

  "I see," he says, admiring the wings. "It is a very interesting ability."

  "If you don't keep up, I'm leaving you behind," she says as her wings flap and she shoots into the air. He watches her for a moment, and then starts to run, racing down the streets until they get to the Waldo district. There he starts jumping from roof to roof. Unlike with Mega, when he hears people start calling
out Falconess's name she doesn't respond. She seems quite intent on finding this super villain. Almost too intent, he admits as she stops, hovering over the building he's standing on.

  "Tell me if you hear anything," she says. "My hearing is good, but yours is better, I believe."

  "It is," he says without fake modesty. "As is my sense of smell," he adds as he jumps to the top of the highest building in the area, perching there and scanning the area. Random people chattering or taking pictures of Falconess, a steady stream of cars passing by, the sound of doors opening and closing--

  "If you were worried about your daughter," Falconess asks quietly, "would you tell someone?"

  Oh. He goes perfectly still as the realization strikes him. Falconess believes that the little super villain might be--"Your daughter?" he asks. "Do you think she would do this?"

  "I don't know," she admits almost silently over the communicator. "But I've been worried she might have a bit too much freedom."

  "I see," he says. "Well--when I said her training was lacking--"

  "No, it is," she says. "I'm not offended. We've only just begun with her training, since her basics have started showing."

  "I believe it," he says. "But until we catch her, we shouldn't assume that she's the one," he adds.

  "Yes, of course. I fully agree," she says.

  "You still wonder, though, don't you?"

  She sighs. "Really, why does she have to crush on Cold Steel?" she complains. "Ever since she fell for him, she's been spending her time obsessing over super villains."

  "It's almost as bad as having a daughter dating a future super hero," he agrees with amusement. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to take this bud out so I can hear properly." He slinks into the shadow of the rooftop entry and pulls his entire cowl off. It's an annoyance, he thinks as he shifts into his were-panther form. The excellent hearing he claimed in human form triples, and then quadruples again. Being able to hear so many sounds can actually become a weakness to those starting out. Thanks to being a super for several years, though, he's overcome that fact.