Super Girls (Cape High Book 13) Read online

Page 5

  "I'll explain it later. Everyone take a seat," Nico says, motioning to the couches as he stands. "We're going to have a dorm/apartment meeting."

  The group is small—the kids that don't live on campus or in the apartment aren't here, that includes Jennifer, Adanna, and Keliah. The ones still out on missions aren't here, either. There are almost as many adults as there are kids at the moment, actually. "You're probably wondering why I brought Superior in," Nico says, moving to stand in front of the group. "We're dealing with a difficult opponent right now, one that conceivably has the same powers as Superior. I'm going to bring the others back in as soon as possible, as well. The only problem is—she's going after the healers," he says.

  The atmosphere goes tense. "What does she want with healers?" Olivia asks. "It's that Mother lady, right? The one that was on TV and made everyone go insane?"

  "That's her. And to explain what she wants with healers… Kirsten, you were captured by her, do you know?" Nico asks the purple haired healer.

  "I honestly don't know," Kirsten says. "She tried to brainwash me and it didn't do anything, and she tried to change my weight and that didn't do anything, either—at least not for long. It's not like she wanted me to heal her, so… I really don't know," she repeats with a shrug.

  "She didn't want you to heal her, sure, but she didn't want you to heal anyone else, either," Skye says. She's stopped her game and is now floating above them. "It was pretty obvious," she adds when everyone in the room looks at her. "If I was going to do a REALLY big job I would get rid of the healers, too—but not you, Aubrey, I looooove you!" she adds, dropping down to hug the girl in question from behind. "I'd keep you with me!"

  "Awww, thank you, Skye!" Aubrey says with a little smile. "But I'm not happy with the idea of stealing my healers at all," she adds, her expression going serious. "Grandpa should be out there looking for her, if that's the reason you brought him here," she goes on. "If she is the same as he is, who else can take her on?"

  "I thought of that," Nico says. "Honestly you have a point—Dad's the best bet against her, but at the same time, what do you think happens when you pit two S-class heroes against each other in a fight?"

  "It gets dramatic, there's lots of smack talking, and the villain takes the fall," Trent says.

  "USUALLY that's what happens," Nico agrees, "but this isn't a usual case. Let's look at some other aspects," he says as a hologram appears in front of the group. "First off—her calling herself 'Mother.' She makes all of her brainwashed people call her that. The only one we've seen calling her that without the glazed look in his eye is Senator Herold. He's also, if what Doris told me is correct, a technopath."

  The entire room jerks, including some of the adults.

  "So what are you saying?" Superior asks, speaking up for the first time.

  "We've already got proof that your race mixing with humans results in technopathic abilities," Nico says. "You're looking at it," he adds, motioning to himself. "That's what leads me to believe—"

  "Herold's her real son!" Skye says cheerfully. "You can totally tell by the noses. They've got the same nose."

  "And that, too," Nico drawls. "He's old. He's at least close to eighty, maybe older. Since that's the case, Mother—or whatever her real name is, is even older than that. So why hasn't she made herself known before this?" he asks.

  "She was planning all of it for a really long time?" Emily offers.

  "That's possible, or it might be something else. I want to find out why—I also want to completely crush Herold," Nico finishes. The out-of-the-blue statement has the room staring at him incredulously.

  "Taking it a bit personally, aren't you?" Superior says.

  "He's the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen," Nico says, turning to Superior. "It's one thing to be a villain, I used to be one, myself, but to go on television ranting and raving about norm's safety from supers, when he IS one? That was strike one. To get people up in arms over my students, that's strike two."

  "What's strike three?" Skye asks.

  "He went after family," Nico says, looking her straight in the eye. "Technopath or not, Herold needs to be taken down."

  "Are you going to confront him head on?" Liz asks, frowning.

  "For a battle of technopaths?" Nico asks, smiling slightly as he turns to her. "Where's the fun in that?" She rolls her eyes. She doesn't look that surprised, though. "But it's almost too easy," he says. "Right now he's in the spot light almost twenty four seven."

  "Whatever you do, don't get tossed into the Cape Cells again, please," she says.

  "Duly noted," he agrees. "Now, are there any questions?"

  "Yeah, what are WE supposed to do?" Sunny asks. "This group right here. We're not out searching for healers, so what's our job?"

  "You'll be doing the same job as Superior is. Guarding our healers and keeping an eye on our new students. The more Herold brainwashes the average citizen against heroes, the more the supers living in hiding will send their kids to us. It's too dangerous with the hero-hating going on."

  "Hey, why can Jennifer hear better than I can?" Justin asks. "Is she higher than B-class?"

  There's a sudden tenseness in the room as they wait for Nico's reply. He looks honestly hesitant to say it. "No," he says slowly, "she's not above B…"

  "Then what is she?"

  "She's doing the best with what she has," Ken says, speaking up for the first time. "I'd like to meet her. From what I've heard, she's quite an admirable girl," he adds with a pointed look at Nico.

  "I think, honestly, that I'm going to have to invite her to move into the dorms," Nico says. "You might get that chance soon."

  "Into the dorms?" the zoo kids in the room ask. "Why?"

  "Because that way there's less of a chance of her getting brainwashed between school days."

  They go silent, looking at each other and then straight at Superior. He raises an eyebrow. "I only do that on Wednesdays," he says blandly, leaning back in his chair, "and holidays."

  "Clifford!" Tatiana says, smacking his shoulder. "You should not lie to the children!" There's an audible sigh of relief from the room—until she goes on, "You have done it on other days as well!"


  I didn't sleep last night. I tried to, I really did, but my mind was spinning like a top and I couldn't seem to stop it. There's just so much I need to take in. I tried making a list of pros and cons around midnight. Pro: no one found out I'm D-class, but that can change at any moment. Con: Freddy. Pro: I have two definite friends and a few prospects. Con: Freddy—no, that was mean. I mean, he probably doesn't even realize that he freaks me out. It's not like he looks scary or anything. Well, okay, sort of scary, if you don't like the punk thing, but—

  "You're hyperventilating," Aunt Barbara says as I stare blankly at the plate of food in front of me.

  "I'm not," I say, not quite lying.

  "You're close enough. Do you want me to call in sick for you?"

  "No. It's just—there's a kid in the school that I can't hear unless he talks," I burst out. Her eyes widen slightly with surprise.

  "Really?" she asks. "Even if he gets close? No clothes shuffling, or anything?"

  "Nothing. He moves completely silently."

  "How is that?"

  "I don't know!" I wail. "It's freaking me out, too. I even TRY to hear him and nothing happens!"

  I jerk as someone knocks on the door. I glance at Aunt Barbara, who heads for the door with a slight frown on her face. I hear the door open. "Hi," I hear Nico say. "I wanted to have a talk with you and Prisma."

  "I… is something wrong?" Aunt Barbara asks.

  I get up, grabbing my bagel off of my plate and heading to the front room. Nico, Prisma, and Elidee are standing in front of Aunt Barbara. She looks a bit worried. I can't really blame her, even if Nico IS wearing a t-shirt with a picture of Mastermental and a lot of floating puppets dressed like some of the heroes. There's America's Son, Star Spangled and Mega all with foam bats in their puppet hands.
/>   "You can't tell me he lets you wear that in public," I say before I can stop myself. Nico gives me a wicked grin.

  "He hasn't seen this one yet," he admits.

  "You should be on it, too," I tell him, since I haven't gotten in trouble.

  "Oh, I am," he says, turning and showing me his back. A puppet in his uniform is tied up on the back with his own strings and a strip of duct tape over the mouth.

  "That's a terrible statement, you know," Prisma points out. "If people knew who you were, especially."

  "Only the kids and teachers see it," he says, dismissing it. "Besides, everyone expects me to be the rebellious son. Now, let's get to business," he says. "Your daughters are vulnerable. A lot is going on right now, with the Mother problem. I would like to offer a more secure setting until this problem has been taken care of."

  "What do you mean?" Prisma asks.

  "I'd like to move your daughters into the dorms," Nico says. "It'll be temporary, but it's safer in the dorms than it is in your homes, even if both of you are B-class capes."

  I see Aunt Barbara turn pale. She looks at me, an abandoned expression on her face. I can't help but walk over and hug her. "I'll be fine," I say, looking at Nico. "I can't just leave Aunt Barb—"

  "No," Aunt Barbara says, clinging to me in a way that makes her words a lie. "I love you," she tells me, looking me in the eye, "and your safety will always come first. It'll only be for a little while, right?"

  I look at her, knowing she's telling the truth. Honestly, I might complain about my family kicking me to the curb, but I think this was the best thing that ever happened to me. Regardless of what happened in the norm school, the fact that I moved in with Aunt Barbara is something I would NEVER change. "It'll be over in no time," I promise. "And I'll call you every day, okay?"

  "You'd better," she says.

  "I'm not sure I agree with this," Prisma says. "My daughter is at a very delicate point in her growth—and she'll be living on a campus with boys, right?" she says to Nico. "Who's to say she'll not get herself in trouble?"

  "My parents are the dorm parents of the building I'm putting her in," Nico says a bit dryly. "With Tatiana as her dorm mother, do you really think anyone will touch your daughter?"

  "Oh. Well," Prisma says, blushing slightly, "when you put it that way."

  "Who IS Tatiana?" I ask. "She can't be an unknown—not when she looks like a tank!"

  "Oh, she's not just a tank," Nico says, "she's the only person that's gone toe to toe with Superior and won on a regular basis. But she died in the seventies, as far as the world is concerned. It's no wonder you don't know who she is."

  "She's a Russian hero, honey," Aunt Barbara says, "she was in America as a détente offering during the Cold War. At the time we sent Superior over there."

  "And they were in love?" I ask. "Oh my gosh, that's so romantic!"

  "Ask her about it sometime," Nico says. "But now I need you both to be packed and ready to move—the sooner we get this done, the better."

  I pull away from Aunt Barbara and head for my room, digging out the same huge suitcase I brought with me when I moved here and start packing. It takes a lot longer this time, I notice. When I first moved here, I barely filled it. This time, I think with a little smile, it's not nearly large enough. Aunt Barbara tends to spoil me. But then again, I know for a fact that her closet is three to four times fuller than mine is—she's a bit of a fashionista, really. Well, she would have to be with her job.

  For a second I mourn the fact that I'll never be able to say the same about myself, and then I shove the last of the clothes I'm bringing into the bag and zip it up. It's time to get my toiletries and go. If I don't do this quickly I'm going to start bawling like a baby, and at seventeen, that's ridiculous. I need to act like an adult.

  I finish packing and head to the front room. I'm not that surprised to see Elidee with several bags beside her, as well. She looks terrified. She keeps glancing up at her mom, as if Prisma will stop this from happening. "Does Adanna have to move into the dorms, too?" she asks Nico with a hint of hope.

  "Adanna's house has the same security system as the school," Nico says. "She's in a place where we can get away with it. Unfortunately you two live in town—that's too close to civilization to put up lasers."

  "What about her commute to school?" I ask. "Isn't she vulnerable then?"

  "With Panther as her driver and them in a car I made? No, she'll be fine," Nico says. "You two have special circumstances."

  "Olivia is in the same building, right?" Elidee asks a bit shyly. "And Carla?" She didn't mention boys? I look at her in surprise.

  "No, they're both in the main dorms," Nico says, "but they're close enough it's not a big deal. You'll have plenty of friends."

  "Okay… but you'll be in the same dorm, right, Jen?" Elidee asks me.

  "I'll be in the same dorm," I promise her.

  "Then I'll do it," she says. "Let's go." We head outside, where I stop and stare blankly at a Firebird sitting in the driveway.

  "If you were going to make us pack, why did you bring a two door car?" I ask finally, turning to look at Nico.

  "The trunk is bigger than it looks?" he offers, shrugging. He reaches down and grabs our bags, heading for the trunk in question.

  "I'm surprised you didn't use one of the Hall vehicles," Aunt Barbara says, staring at it.

  "Summer insists on me driving something Eco-friendly. I haven't gotten around to converting the Hall cars yet," Nico says, stuffing the bags into the trunk. It doesn't want to close, I notice a bit dryly. But that's not the important thing.

  "Shotgun!" I say quickly, before Elidee can. I am NOT crawling into the tiny back seat unless I have no choice.

  "Shot—" Elidee repeats, only to glare at me when she realizes what I just did. "That's not fair!" she complains.

  "I called it, you didn't, it's fair," I say shamelessly as Nico straps the trunk shut with a cord. Seriously, how can he be a school principal? It sort of baffles the mind. "Here, I'll help you get in," I say helpfully as I head to the passenger door. I start searching for the lever to lower the chair, only to blink as the chair folds into the baseboard of the car all on its own.

  "Do those usually do that?" Elidee asks from behind me.

  "This one does," Nico says. "My daughter did it a few weeks back, since she keeps getting stuck in the back."

  "Oh. Can she fix the trunk next time?" Elidee asks, climbing in.

  "She could, but we never stick her in the trunk," Nico says blandly.

  I have no reply to that, so I climb into the car.


  "Can I ask you a question?" I say to Nico as Elidee heads into the school. He's grabbing all of our bags from the trunk. She could have at least PRETENDED to offer to help, I think with a mental shake of my head.

  "Shoot," he says, closing the trunk.

  "How is he so silent?" I demand. I can't help myself, it's at the forefront of my mind. Sure there are bigger issues, like how are they going to deal with Mother, and all that stuff, but this one is important!

  "The zoo kids, especially, have started to go to Kim for their clothing," Nico says, handing me my computer bag. I sling it over my shoulder, still waiting for the full explanation. "Kim makes their clothing out of the same material as she makes our uniforms. One of the requirements I have for Freddy is stealth level material. She complains because the colors he picks aren't stealthy at all, but she still makes them."

  "So they're running around in super grade clothing?" I ask blankly.

  "You want some?"

  "Of course I do!" I say. "But that doesn't change the fact it's freaky," I say, giving him a dark look. "Does he even notice what it is?"

  "Nope," he says, heading for the yellow tape. I follow along behind him, intent on getting more information. This school is so strange! "He moves silently by his very nature—he's a wall climber. So adding silencing clothing to an already silent kid, well, it's enough to throw off the capes that have a natural adv
antage over him—and you," he adds, looking at me pointedly. "Actually, it's more likely to throw you off than them, at least it is until I put him in the field."

  "So… um, what was her name—Carla! Those skinny jeans—"

  "Frictionless," Nico finishes.

  "Huh," I say. "Isn't it expensive?" I ask abruptly. "You know, clothing them?"

  "Sure it is," Nico says, motioning me to go first through the force field. I do all the steps, touching the panel and dancing on the glowing footprints, and then I wait inside for him to come. "These aren't normal teenagers. We don't just provide a once-or-twice-daily meal, we provide everything they need. For the most part they're sponsored by their parents, a Hall, or me."

  I look at him in surprise. I wonder just how many of these kids are living off of him without even realizing it. "Is Aunt Barbara my sponsor?" I ask, suddenly worried. How expensive IS this school? If it's too much, I need to go back to my norm school—

  "Andre Harrison is your sponsor," he says. "Yours, Elidee's, and Alyssa's."

  "Wait, what?" I ask.

  "You and Elidee are for obvious reasons, he just chose to sponsor Alyssa because he wanted to," Nico says with a shrug. "Most of the kids don't know this—not many even think to ask."

  "Who sponsors Carla?" I ask.

  "At the moment, Central, but South is in negotiations," Nico says. "She's lined up to be part of Vinny's team, and Century wants them all. That includes Jimmi, who's already his, and Lance, who promises to be quite the show stopper for kids, especially. If the other Halls got wind of it, there'd be a flat-out war. Malina's already the center of one," he says, heading down the steps as if the huge bags weigh nothing.

  "I see," I say. No I don't. Why would Mr. Harrison say to go ahead and be a super villain, only to turn around and pay for my schooling? "Why did Mr. Harrison tell Aunt Barbara to let me go ahead and become a super villain?" I ask, unable to stop myself.

  "That is something I'm not at liberty to answer," Nico says. "Just trust me on this—once we get you set up for a few long-distance weapons and a stealth suit, you'll make a perfect super villain."